Hi! I'm fred

I'm the driving force behind nutrition by Fred. I eliminate confusion and overwhelm for vegan men who want to get stronger and healthier while raising awareness for animal abuse

the purpose behind nutrition by fred

of vegetarians an vegans abandon their diet
0 %
of vegans quit because of health concerns
0 %
liters of water saved every day if you're Vegan
of people went vegan for animal protection
0 %

These are just some of the staggering statistics about Vegans.

But there’s something that statistics can’t put a number on. The amount of  inhumane suffering that goes on behind close doors.

If you’re here it means that you are Vegan for 1 of 3 reasons:

But the truth is that going vegan is the easy choice. Staying Vegan is the most difficult part.

This is one of the many testimonials of people who went back to eating meat:

” … for the next 17 years, it seemed like I was always hungry no matter how large my bowl of beans and rice. Even worse than constant hunger, I didn’t seem to enjoy food the way other people did. Eating was a chore, like folding laundry or paying bills, but even more annoying because if I didn’t do it I would die. I was sick of being hungry, I was sick of beans and rice  and so at the age of 31, I have made a decision: I will try and become a meat eater.”


That’s why Nutrition by Fred was born.


Never-Before-Seen Case Study

I'm pulling back the curtain on one of my best clients. Here's what's inside:

Stories from Clients

More than clients, these are people who’d been struggling for some time. People who were told wrong about how to train and how to eat.

Martim C.

"I had already worked with a coach where I followed a strict diet and had to focus a lot of time on meal prepping. Since working with Fred, my approach to training and life has changed. Now I have more time for my friends, going to the gym, preparing meals, sleep and, most importantly, time for hobbies."

Bruno L.

"Since working with Fred, I’m bigger and stronger. I'm really proud of what I achieved these past few months - even my friends have noticed. But my lifestyle has also changed completely. I have a better relationship with food and now I know how to have energy for my life and workouts."

Ivan R.

United Kingdom
"Before working with Fred I was skeptical on how all of this could work online. For me, it wasn’t realistic that I could work over a screen with someone on the other side of the world. But I’m surprised with the results. It’s been a great experience having someone that can support me and answer my questions about training, nutrition and other stuff."

Sam P.

"I’ve lost some belly fat and my strength has increased even though I was “cutting”. What I particularly like about Fred is that he takes the time to explain me why we’re doing some exercises, as opposed to just giving me a workout and just “trust him”."